A Quick Personal History

I am one of 7 children of a minister of music. I grew up in Southern Baptist churches, and then pentecostal churches, then left any practice of organized religion for 15 years (I’ll share more on why later), before landing in a lovely healing and prophetic community (The Covenant Center).

After about 5 years of deep healing work, I went to Asbury Theological Seminary. I spent my two final years of MDiv studies in Wilmore, Kentucky, and participated extensively in the Healing Academy while living in the retreat center (visit the Spiritual Movement Center to learn more).

When I first went to seminary, I had in mind that I wanted to be a theologian, maybe even get a Ph.D. one day. Turns out, the real reason God sent me there was to learn more about contemplation and prayer.

Now, keep in mind, I’d been in a very charismatic, dynamic, small church expression that valued the experience and leading of the Holy Spirit. I was well trained and practiced in my spiritual gifts, particularly prophetic gifts like words of knowledge (just meaning I am sensitive to what God may want to share with the other.) I’d also experienced much deep healing with Jesus, and miracles as well. But contemplation, quiet, meditation, and writing feel like a spiritual home to me.

I’m currently very hungry for more knowledge and practice of contemplation and meditation, from within and without the Christian tradition. I’m finding that non-Christian resources serve to strengthen my faith in a new way. To see that God’s truth comes forth in so many iterations throughout history, and now through even science and physics, well, my logical mind kind of appreciates all the evidence leading to the same place. If it’s true, it has to be true everywhere.

So, I may share some insights from books or teachers I’m learning from including some theological understanding that grounds my contemplative practice. I will share some good resources along the way that I have found inspiring and true.

I just wanted to let you know a little bit about where I’m coming from as I write about where God seems to be leading me.

Talk soon…